Ghost Sites of the Web

Web 1.0 history, forgotten web celebrities, old web sites, commentary, and news by Steve Baldwin. Published erratically since 1996.

December 22, 2008

New Mediapost Article: Small Business to PPC Search: Drop Dead

New Mediapost Article: Ten (Highly Cynical) Predictions for 2009I've written a new MediaPost article discussing a new Microsoft study showing that the majority of small business owners want nothing to do with PPC search. Frankly, there are some very good reasons for their caution: PPC search can be one of the fastest guaranteed ways to lose money.

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December 08, 2008

New Mediapost Article: Ten (Highly Cynical) Predictions for 2009

New Mediapost Article: Ten (Highly Cynical) Predictions for 2009Putting on my clairvoyant tinfoil Pundit Hat, I predict ten major developments in Search Marketing for the coming year.

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November 24, 2008

New Mediapost Article: Reality Bites Hard

New Mediapost Article: Reality Bites HardThere's something rotten in the Internet Economy, and I'm mad as hell that more people aren't even talking about it. My latest, angst-ridden rant from MediaPost.

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September 29, 2008

New Mediapost Article: Crisis of Confidence Threatens Everyone in SEM

New Mediapost Article: Crisis of Confidence Threatens Everyone in SEMMy latest Mediapost rant discusses why (Search Engine Marketing) will self-destruct unless the industry somehow manages to reform itself. Frankly, I think that it may be too late to save it, because there are too many people making money from incompetence, waste, and greed (kinda like Wall Street before its big fall).

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